Thursday, October 30, 2008

What Main Street Can Learn from the Mall

1. Never put a clothing store by a restaurant because the smells from the food make people not want to buy cloths. Don't put clothing stores on the north side of the street and restaurants on the west side. When the sun goes down and people can see it while eating it makes them want to eat less. Make sure that the ground is clean and there are not too many benches so people do not loiter. You should not have to turn left to get into your mall. That is important because people stopping from work will not want to wait to get into your store.

2. No I do not think Main Street should be a mall. While it seems like a good idea coming from an economic stand point that is not what Main Street is all about. I think it is important for a downtown to make money but i do not think that it should change the way it looks or feels. A downtown in my opinion is big buildings with little shops that are specific to that area, not big chain stores.

3. My own check list would be very similar to Gibbs. I think the most important thing is that Main Street maintains its history and feel of the city. Main Street should be very clean and have a nice variety of local stores. There should be ease of parking and have some seating but not too much.

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